Home HEALTH How to sleep well at night?

How to sleep well at night?

How to sleep well at night?
How to sleep well at night?
How to sleep well at night?

How to sleep well at night?

Good sleep is essential for good health. After a long day’s work, a fresh sleep at the end of the day will cause a tired body and brain to wake up in the morning with new energy. This will give us the mood and energy to work again, but if the sleep is not of good quality, various problems occur and it is very harmful to our health. 6 special ways to get better sleep are shared in this post that is tested. How to sleep well at night?

1). Before going to bed, stay away from the phone, TV, Or computer:

You can’t watch a movie, song, or play before going to bed. So someone goes to sleep after watching a movie or music on the phone or TV, or computer. Avoid using the phone, or computer before going to bed. Because the brightness of the computer, TV, and phone can cause insomnia. So avoid them at least 1 hour before bedtime.

2). Keep your cell phone and computer out of bed:

In our life, we attach great importance to phone or computer notifications. Before we go to sleep we check Facebook or messenger notifications, new emails in Gmail, and messages on our phone and we go to sleep and check them first thing in the morning when we wake up; This is how our life goes.

How to sleep well at night?

And sometimes we go to sleep with our phone or computer connected to the internet and then we see some notification come and then we felt a little sleepy in our eyes but as soon as the sound notification sounded in our ears we jumped up and sat down and check the notification. Normal mobile messages can disturb your sleep, so it is better to keep them away from bedtime and go to sleep, they will not disturb you. And if you are a student, it will be specifically requested.

3). Keep the bedroom clean:

How to sleep well at night?

Clutter in the bedroom will have a negative impact on your mind. As a result, your sleep will be disturbed. Always keep the bedroom clean and tidy. If possible, place some pictures of green scenery in the bedroom along the walls, it will give you a good feeling as soon as you enter the bedroom. This feeling is essential for good sleep.

How to sleep well at night?

4). Read a book 1 hour before bed:

If you want to sleep well or wake up quickly, I know of no better way than to read a book. If you notice what wise people do before bed…! Then you will see them open the book and read it for 5-10 minutes, then put the book down and start snoring, which means they are falling asleep.

Perhaps you can say that they are teachers or wise people. Very good relationship with their books. So if they read books before going to sleep, it will be called foolishness. Because they know that when reading a book, the eyes fall asleep very quickly, which makes them fall asleep quickly. I have seen many people who read for a while before going to sleep and fell asleep with their eyes closed, they tested it themselves.

How to sleep well at night?

5). Turn off the lights:

Many people sleep at night with the lights on. Maybe out of fear or some other reason. But this is a very bad practice. If there is light in the room, the eyes will have trouble falling asleep, this is normal, and once you wake up, you will go back to sleep late. All in all, sleeping with room lights on is not a good habit and is harmful to health. If Fres wants to take a nap, turn off the lights and close your eyes before going to sleep.

6). Positive Imagination:

Nothing beats positive imagery for good sleep. You don’t always have books with you. You can use these tips when you don’t have a book with you or when you don’t feel like reading a book or reading a book doesn’t help you.

How to sleep well at night?

A golden day comes into everyone’s life, and the opposite sex comes into everyone’s life, but some are destined to hold it and some are not anyway. I don’t want to remind you of old bad memories. If you want to get a good night’s sleep, you can finally do it. When you are lying in bed, close your eyes and imagine or imagine that you are walking on green grass with a gentle breeze, talking, or walking on the clouds in the sky and having a lot of fun with your loved one.

How to sleep well at night?

How to sleep well at night?

Or imagine yourself walking like a king holding the hand of a loved one on the campus of your dreams. Think about yourself, how you like it, or where you want to be. Keep imagining something positive like that. Soon you will see sleep in your eyes and you will sleep very well. ETC


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