Home HEALTH Cursed life in a toxic environment of failure

Cursed life in a toxic environment of failure

Cursed life in a toxic environment of failure
Cursed life in a toxic environment of failure
Cursed life in a toxic environment of failure

Cursed life in a toxic environment of failure

Tired of surrounding yourself with negativity? Do you listen to people’s harsh words? Are you working day and night, studying, but not achieving the right output? Are people listening to you? Like you’re a wounded soldier! Cursed life in a toxic environment of failure

Your mind gets annoyed day by day because of the environment around you. The mood is always bad, isn’t it? You unknowingly treat people badly. You will regret it at the end of the day. Sometimes you may ask yourself why is this happening.

READ MORE: Cursed life in a toxic environment of failure

Imagine a fish. Suppose it is kept in a small pond. You feed him regularly. Keep it in clean water. All in all, fish live a very nice life.

Suppose that a lot of garbage is suddenly dumped in that pond. The environment around the fish has become dirty. The fish is not getting the oxygen it needs. Will his status not be confused? You feed him regularly. But can fish live in this environment for a long time?

READ MORE: Cursed life in a toxic environment of failure

Now if you take the fish and take it to another pond with good water for some time, you will see that the fish is alive again. If you leave it in this environment for a few days, the life of the fish will be beautiful and normal again. But the real habitat of the fish is not the pond. His real home is the first funny pond you made just for him. If you take the fish back to the pond in that dirty environment, won’t the condition of the fish improve as before? Even though it is his abode, yet…!

Now back to you. Think of yourself as that fish. Fish are you and water is your environment. You lived a pretty good life. But people around you, things, unhealthy competition… these are constantly polluting your environment. If you retire for a while, and travel far away, eventually, you will have to return to that polluted environment. So will your mental state change in any way? It will be like a temporary break. So what is the way?

You see, fish can survive in their environment if the water in the pond changes. By removing impurities and filling the pond with good water, the fish will feel comfortable there.

READ MORE: Cursed life in a toxic environment of failure

Likewise, no matter how many breaks you take, at the end of the day, you will remain in that unhealthy environment until you change the negative things around you into positive ones.

Eliminate unnecessary people around you. Have a handful of friends to stand by you in times of danger. Stay away from the sick competition. Avoid comparing yourself to others. Be around positive thinkers. This will unknowingly affect your subconscious mind in a positive way. Eat good food, and lead a healthy lifestyle. Follow religious rules. Start opening up to close family members. You will see, gradually everything will become beautiful one day.

READ MORE: Cursed life in a toxic environment of failure

Good luck!


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